If you have noticed a canker sore on lip http://getridofcankersore.com/lip.html, you may be wondering what caused it. The truth is, a doctor is unlikely to be able to give you a definitive reason as there are many potential causes. If the ulcer is particularly sore or painful the cause may be a viral infection. This infection is not contagious and will not, in most instances, require medical treatment.
However, most canker sore on lips are triggered by much more mundane factors. Trauma to the mouth is one simple explanation. Enthusiastic sports players are far more likely to suffer from ulcers for this reason. Alternatively, you may have bitten the inside of your lip and caused minor damage.
People who wear orthodontic braces or who have dentures are also at increased risk of developing canker sore on lips because the brackets or the dentures can rub against the soft oral tissue. In the case of braces, the number of canker sores suffered should diminish as the mouth becomes less sensitive to the friction. For denture wearers, the best course of action is to visit your dentist and request that the dentures are adjusted.
If you are confident that none of the above causes apply to you, another explanation could be your diet. Some people are particularly sensitive to highly spicy or acidic foods, which can trigger mouth ulcers if you eat this type of meal on a regular basis. The temperature of your food can be a trigger as well, as minor burns caused by hot foods can cause a canker sore to develop in the affected area.
A lack of essential vitamins and minerals in a diet has also been linked with mouth ulcers. You may wish to consider increasing the amount of iron, folic acid and vitamin B12 in your diet. This is particularly important if you are pregnant, as these vitamins are especially essential for the growing fetus and the pregnant mother may become deficient herself if she does not increase her intake.
Although doctors are not entirely sure of the reasons behind it, one final cause seems to be emotional stress. Several scientific studies have shown a strong correlation between canker sores and periods of emotional turmoil, with some individuals seeming more susceptible than others. Once the stress has lessened, the sufferer should find that the ulcers spontaneously clear up.
Canker sores are common and are usually not very serious. However, if they do not spontaneously heal after 14 days, or they seem to be infected or painful, you should seek immediate advice from a medical professional.