My name is Anna McCutchen and I work in Atlanta Gastroenterology Clinic Atlanta, Georgia. I am practicing physician. I practices medicine in Douglasville, GA and 1 other location and specializes in Gastroenterology. I am affiliated with Wellstar Douglas Hospital. I can speak both English and Spanish. I am practice at both at Douglasville Georgia and at Hiram, Georgia. I accept all kind of insurance providers based in the Georgia area. I accept new patient practice also. Medicare health insurance is also accepted. I provide consultation as well as band ligation. Hemorrhoid banding. We have our own fully fledged STAT labs to facilitate all kind of tests. For convenience of the patient and I have ability to speak in Spanish language. I have interpreters also who can translate patient to the doctor in every language and from doctor to the patient. We have one the best team with five specialist working in the same premises for the convenience of the patients.